Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We are at a point now that we understand how much our environment is being destroyed by trash, mostly plastic. It’s found all over the world and it’s killing innocent wildlife along with our planet.

“The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.” -Brooks Hatlen

I love that quote and it’s true! We live in a time where life is on fast forward. We want everything done ASAP. So many products are made to make life easier, but it comes with a cost. Too Much plastic everywhere. Not just the products themselves but also what comes with it at the store: the bags, packaging, individually wrapped products, one use plastics…so much stuff polluting our beautiful planet.

I’m slowly starting to try to reduce plastic waste at home. We have a 3 garbage bags waste system here in Moncton. That is a good start to reduce waste in the landfill.

Here are the changes I’ve made recently at home.

I made beeswax wraps to use instead of replace cling/surran wraps. Easy to make and works great. Check it out on Pinterest, lots of posts on how to make them. I don’t recommend buying a big piece of beeswax. I only found out afterwards that I could of purchased beewsax pellets instead of grating my big chunk of wax. My arms were sore for a couple days.

I use cloth or recycle grocery bags instead of sobeys bags (plastic bags) when I’m shopping. I forget them sometimes, but at least I’m trying lol.

I love mixed media art. The great thing about it is I can use just about any small junk in my art. I’ve used empty pill bottles, bottle caps, tags, Bubble wrap, Cardboard, old charger cables, rusted nails, screws, gauze, Plastic packaging.. the list goes on. If you have any small junk that you want to get rid of and you live in Greater Moncton area new-Brunswick. Please comment below.


The canvas, paint and the word salvaged are the only things I bought. Everything else was just small junk I’ve been accumulating.

Next, I want to get rid of paper towels. I use it way more than I need to. It’s just so easy to grab a sheet to clean or to use instead of using a plate if I’m just eating finger foods. Some people make cloth paper towel rolls, others just use hand towel or Bar mop towels . Its not going to add much more for laundry and towels can be easily rinsed and reused. I love this idea. DIY paper towel

Have you made any changes to help reduce waste and help the environment? Please comment below. I’d love to hear what adjustments you’ve made to help reduce waste.  Don’t forget to subscribe to get updates of my blog.



3 thoughts on “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

  1. Love this! I try to buy my produce in “bulk” instead of packaged. Mushrooms, tomatoes, apples and potatoes are things we often get in plastic package, but if you bring your own bags it’s just as easy to buy them without!


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